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Only for Indian Citizens


Awareness and advocacy go hand in hand. Our society largely has many mis-conceptions and myths about intellectual disability. It happens due to lack of knowledge and understanding. Due to ignorance of the larger society, children and adults with ID suffer gross violations of their human rights e.g. absence of education and training, work opportunity, social relationships, often abusive behaviour from others, and absence of safe and respectful life after the death of their parents. More than 90% of them have no access to any services.

It is no exaggeration to say that people with disabilities, particularly people with Intellectual disability are living a highly neglected and impoverished life in our society and their parents are facing immense hardships due to lack of needed services. In the absence of required facilities many such families are forced to abandon their children on streets. Asha Kiran in Rohini, a home for children and adults with intellectual disability in Delhi is a glaring example of such neglect and abandonment by the families.​


An aware and sensitized society can reduce the struggles and deprivations of such people and their families. Proper education and training as well as work opportunities etc. can greatly enrich their lives including their parents/families.​


The United Nations Convention on the Rights of People with Disabilities (UNCRPD) is a path-breaking step recognizing the Human Rights of people with disability and bringing a paradigm shift from a Welfare approach to a Right-based approach to the needs of people with disabilities. India has ratified this international legislation in 2007. It means the Govt. of India has a commitment to enable people with all disabilities to realize their human rights. Read More

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